Hero Indian Open Pick: 0.75u Shiv Kapur EW
Hero Indian Open Headline Pick: 0.75u EW Shiv Kapur
Current form: 11-46-mc-38; Course form: 13,4,4,mc,34,3,2
Key stats: Driving acc. 8th (3rd at True Thailand Classic)
Grew up at Dehli GC and has played it more than most. Will be "staying in his own bed and eating his mam's cooking". Sponsored by 'Hero'. Knows how to tackle the strategic test the Indian Open course will offer and excels in the accuracy department. Will have big following spurring him on.
Current form: 11-46-mc-38; Course form: 13,4,4,mc,34,3,2
Key stats: Driving acc. 8th (3rd at True Thailand Classic)
Grew up at Dehli GC and has played it more than most. Will be "staying in his own bed and eating his mam's cooking". Sponsored by 'Hero'. Knows how to tackle the strategic test the Indian Open course will offer and excels in the accuracy department. Will have big following spurring him on.