1.5u ew Patrick Reed 22/1 - HTOC
Hyundai Tournament of Champions
Current form: 3, 22, 26, 8; Course form: 16
Key stats: putting from 10' - 21st; scrambling from > 30yds - 18
Snippets of form from Reed on his debut here ...last year was what put him on my radar for the Humana. Shot a Saturday -6. 25/22/ to 1 in a 34 man field with noone significantly better than him is too big IMO. Simmering again current form wise.
Current form: 3, 22, 26, 8; Course form: 16
Key stats: putting from 10' - 21st; scrambling from > 30yds - 18
Snippets of form from Reed on his debut here ...last year was what put him on my radar for the Humana. Shot a Saturday -6. 25/22/ to 1 in a 34 man field with noone significantly better than him is too big IMO. Simmering again current form wise.