3 Irish Open - Go with the locals

This week the European Tour heads to my own home land and to a links course of the highest standard in Baltray Co. Louth. Experience on this type of course will obviously be a big advantage. The Irish firms are going an extra place 1-6.
0.5pts E/W places 1-6 Graeme McDowell @ 30/1 (boylesports) Top Talent very much at home on links courses. Good finish here a few years back.
0.75pts E/W Oliver Wilson @ 50/1 1/4 odds places 1-6 (boylesports)Wilson will win very soon and that's a great price on a type of course he should be used to hailing from the British Isles.
0.5pts E/W Peter Lawrie places 1-6 @ 55/1 (boylesports)Again, used to this type of set up, great showing last 2 weeks on tour and may be up there challenging again in an event he'd love to win being Irish
1pt Michael McGeady top 20 finish @ 12/1 (skybet) again home advantage and the events he's played on tour this year, he's done well
0.5pts E/W Paul McGinley @ 50/1 (paddypower,boylesports)I'm not usually a McGinley backer as his putting is not usually good enough to turn a place into a win but with the flat stick showing signs of improvement recently and putting not being a premium on this course, and also the fact that he is a former member of this course, 50/1 is good value and a much better bet than the 2 favs - McIlroy and Harraington at their respective prices.
Tournament match betting
-2pts Paul mcGinley win vs John Daly @ 10/11 (betdaq) unlikely Daly will have the temperament or the driving ability(accuracy) to deal with this course